If You Smoke, You May Need a Gum Treatment in our Dental Office

Gum RecessionIf you are a smoker, you may need quality gum treatment in our Carmel dental office. Contrary to popular belief, smokers are more susceptible to a variety of dental complications than nonsmokers. The toxins that enter your mouth touch your gums and teeth during smoking, making your tissue more susceptible to long-term damage. Since nicotine and other harmful chemicals in cigarettes weaken your oral tissues, the damage you are at risk for is very high.

Many people do not even realize they already need gum treatment. They do not know their gums have been harmed and are vulnerable to more long-term problems. If you are a smoker, here are a few reasons you may need gum treatment in our office.

Gum Recession

Gum recession is one of the most common damaging results of smoking. Many people assume their gums are just receding as they age, but really smoking is causing gum recession prematurely and unnecessarily. Gum recession is a very serious condition in patients. Gum recession can lead to worse problems like gums bleeding and infection in the form of the detrimental periodontal disease.

Gum recession and periodontal disease can lead to hard to reach infections and exposed nerve endings in teeth. Bacteria can attack the area and inevitably cause a tooth to decay, permanent damage or even tooth loss. All of these complications can be avoided or helped by a gum treatment in our dental office.

Our gum treatment services can provide patients with healing and relief from discomfort. A treatment now will also save time and money in the future. Do not risk the possibility of more problems occurring because one did not receive a gum treatment in our dental office at the first sign of a problem. Watch for red, swollen and painful gum tissue.

Treatment Options

In our office, we can first remove the infection in the gums by a thorough scale and polish to discard the built up plaque and tartar. If this does not suffice, a root planing or other cleaning service can be performed. These treatments will stop current infections and help prevent further infection. If a patient develops more complicated gum problems, we can perform gum surgery to reinforce the gums or replace gums that have receded significantly. Soft tissue grafts taken from the roof of the mouth may help fill in areas of missing gum. This procedure is common and provides successful results. There are also more comprehensive surgeries to resolve any other damage that may have occurred from smoking.

Whatever gum treatment you may be in need of, our dental office can perform a thorough check up and procedure to help you. Your gums can recover if you come to our office for a much-needed visit. Don't let the toxins that come from smoking cause permanent damage to your gums and teeth. Let us give your oral health a second chance. Proper care and treatments can lead to a healthy mouth once again.If you may need gum treatment in our dental office, schedule an appointment now, before your gums become worse.

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